Sleeeep zzzzzzzz I just want SLEEP!
Did you ALSO know...
the best sleep aid remedy is a banana? and nonhabit forming. its so good for you, you can have more than one a day? yes, bananas are loaded with potassium, magnesium, vitamin C and so much more. this favorite fruit is good to eat several times a day. and the best time is bedtime. yes if you are having trouble sleeping, and insomnia has found you, you’re tossing and turning, can’t sleep, too many thoughts going through your head.
try eating a banana, then stop don’t throw that banana peel away. no, boil the banana peel in two cups of water for five minutes. then drink it. you may add ingredients, such as honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, any of your favorite spices. but it is not necessary. please give yourself at least 10 hours of sleep time. you will sleep!!! it is the best natural home remedy! it’s easy, simple, safe, nonaddicting, and super inexpensive! the doctors want you to buy their habit-forming EXPENSIVE drugs, so you keep going back for more!
if you give this old forgotten secret a try let me know how it works for you. so far, everyone, i have shared this “really?!? ” information with says it WORKS!