I believed
I believed that 5’5” was tall
I believed that the best kind of pineapples were the rings you can get in a can and grill
I believed that someday, I could be the president and save the world
I believed in four leafed clovers and black cats
I believed in myself
I believed that if I spent my recess making rock soup, grass pasta, and dandelion salad, I could be the queen chef of the playground
I believed that just by putting on a smile, I could make anyone like me
I believed that moving just meant more friends not less
I believed that I would be rich one day and own my own island
I believed that
if I gave the world what it wanted,
I’d get what I wanted back
I guess the only thing I believed then that is true now, is that pineapple rings in a can are still the best kind of pineapple