having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
having the normally expected amount
exerting force or influence
articles of commerce
I'm not a college graduate I did get my high school diploma. For a brief moment I happened upon a University in Bolivar Mo. Southwestern Baptist University. There I took some much needed General education classes. Intoduction to computers. I had never even turned one on until then. Got the basics to be able to utilize the computer enough to survive in the 21 century. Included in my mad dash to fine tune my survival skills. I also took a college level literature class. Again I learned the basic rules of operating this time for communication through literature.
Both classes gave me the basic information to be efficient.
My writing doesn't always follow the rules of the college grammar handbook but I try. The formality or the correctness of a literature piece doesn't sway my opinion of it.
My like or dislike will come from did I like it. Was it original inspiring encouraging or was it uplifting?
My taste in reading leans towards positive could be true to life type articles. Im not much into horror, science fiction stuff that glameriouzes violence and greedy wealth. Give me a feel good story grammar mistakes and all.
Personally if I focus too hard on punctuation spelling proper grammar my whole sentence or thought loses its energy. I forget what or where I was going.
I think all writing is ok in whatever education level the author is writing from. We all make mistakes. Does the internet diaolog become trendy or fashionable? When it is presented on an informal plat form? Should we expect to see grade A+ on Twitter Facebook or messenger? No it's not geared towards ritual writing social sites are just that social sites. We don't correct our neighbors when we are chatting about last night's little league game over the fence. Neither should we correct a conversation on Instagram between mutual admirers of turtles.
My gut feeling tells me that most people will get relaxed during social chat but can turn in a B average on a writing assignment. We haven't regressed in our literary standards we have just opened some stubborn minds and removed the blinders from our eyes. To include every and all imaginations to be working and growing.