Happiness be smol but grait
Happiness is conjured by the little things that gather into moments. Those little things, for me, are often in the forms of food and words.
Food is one of the highest natural pleasures... along with one I’m not going to specifically mention (;
I like to cook food, eat food, serve food, think about food, talk about food and write about food. I. Like. Food. Nothing more to it.
Words are almost my literal best friend... we even have the occasional fights. I like to write. I like to think. I like to talk. I like to hear myself talk(funny thing is I don’t like my voice). I like to sing(I dropped out of choir 2 years ago. I do not regret.) I do not like word games though(partly because I’m terrible at them).
And when you talk or listen to audiobooks while making food, or eat food when you’re supposed to be talking, that my friends, is the reason my parents think I am antisocial.
Thank you, thank you. *bows* *waves*