count backwards in three's
don't let yourself spiral
don't let yourself hit the floor
feel the panic
let it happen
and let it go
don't dwell on it
don't go down the rabbit hole
you're gonna need to breathe
count backwards in three's
find a spot to focus on
in the room
when it starts a spinning
look at the colors of the wall
can you find something big
find something small
can you tell me the colors of it all
close your eyes
acknowledge what's going on
reroute your thoughts
think of something happy
reroute your thoughts
away from this place
Lets start at the top of the order
Could you look
around the room
look at 5 different things
you don't even have to move
Now close your eyes
could you listen to the sounds around you
what are 4 of them?
Touch 3 different objects
feel the different textures
are they hot or are they cold?
Identify 2 different smells
What are they?
Do they smell nice?
Now what's one thing you can taste?
Does it taste sweet?
don't forget to breathe
count backwards in three's
new song! wow I haven't posted in a while, sorry about that, I'll have to post some previous writes soon! Hope everyone had a good turkey day!!