There is 1 imposter among us...
Tips for aliens:
1: human teenagers (if that is your preferred body to inhabit, like me) are currently obsessed with a strange game called among us
2: don't bother to learn the slang, it changes all the time.
3: remember those messages we sent to announce our arrival? Well, the humans recieved it, but turned it into music. They dance to it.
4: STAY AWAY FROM THE DOGS!!! They call them man's best friend for a reason. Just remember— we are not men, and THEY know it. They will hunt you down for miles. Just... avoid the dogs.
5: wear a mask. It seems these days, there is some strange thing called a "pandemic" which threatens human lives. Since we are in the human bodies, we must abide by their strange customs. When a "pandemic" happens, you must wear a mask in public and sanitize frequently. Be careful out there, fellow aliens! Our immune systems are now as weak as these frail humans. We must protect ourselves from the invisible enemy known as "germs"