Black Lives Matter. Period.
Dear people who find Black Lives Matter offensive, and cannot think of a better response than All Lives Matter.
Why does an expression that was created to affirm justice and empathy for people who have been discriminated against and or marginalized for centuries threaten your existence? When you disagree with the premise of Black Lives Matter, I wonder if your family tree includes people who were captured, kidnapped, enslaved, beaten, raped and even murdered with no protection under the law?
Oh, that all happened such a long time ago, you say. Get over it. Opportunity and equality exists in our country for every citizen. Does it? Oh right. Statistics. Facts. They don't matter. I'm not saying as a country we have not made great progress with racial equity, but if you ask me, we still have a bit more work to do. Hence why the words Black Lives Matter mean something to me. Period.
P.S. If you care to counter argue with me, I will not respond. I don't see the need to debate this topic. As I said. Black Lives Matter. Period. Got it?