In a video game, if a player loses to an enemy, all they have to do is reset and fight again until they win. But how does the player beat the one enemy who can reset as well?
(Crediting SaveThePhytoplankton)
Depends on the game
Tactic 1: Win once, then refuse a rematch. No one said you have to keep fighting them just because they won't stay down.
Tactic 2: Don't fight them; sneak past them. They can't reset if they can't find you.
Tactic 3: Convince them to join your party. Clearly they are an invaluable asset.
Tactic 4: Hack into the code and disable resets. Of course, if you lose that won't be pretty...
Tactic 5: Beat them again and again and again until they rage quit. Even if it's an AI, it has to give up some time.
Tactic 6: Turn them to stone or trap them.
Tactic 7: Run away screaming IRL because clearly there is something NOT RIGHT about this game.