Tis’ the Season to be...Um...
Little kitty
Sits under the Christmas tree, Lying on the wrapped presents, and
Pawing at the ornaments with glee.
Happy kitty, under the Christmas tree.
Me: “Get outta’ there! You little vermin, before you break something!”
Listening to music: holiday songs
On the record player,
That makes them sound better, somehow.
What lovely music,
That I love to listen to.
My brother: “Turn that music off!”
Cooking Christmas diner
Is always very grand.
With ham and potatoes and bread and stuffing…
A whole large feast well planned.
We sit down to eat what we have made.
Sister: “Um, what is this thing on my plate, exactly?”
The Grandparents are over, those
Of both my mother’s parents, and my father’s.
For the first time ever, all together, on Christmas.
All sitting at the table, eating Christmas dinner.
It is a happy time.
Grandma: “Well, this is not political, but…” (says something VERY political).
Opening presents, that are beautifully wrapped
In gold and silver wrapping paper.
Anything could be inside those packages,
And so we exchange them with glee.
We open them and wonder at what is inside.
My other brother: “do you have the receipt for this one?”
Playing Holiday tunes on the piano,
Songs of tradition and cheer,
Songs of joy and happiness,
That I like to play every year.
They gather around me as I play.
Me: presses the wrong key. “Dammit! I’ll never get it right!”
A fireplace ablaze,
Filling the room with a warm glow
That reflects off of the ornaments and decorations,
Off of the mirrors and the furniture.
What a warm, surreal glow, full of comfort.
Mother: “Turn off the fireplace - it’s seventy six degrees outside!”
A family board game is always very fun.
To play a simple game where we can talk
And laugh is quite common around the holiday season.
There are all sorts that we play,
And to gather around the table and have fun together is wonderful
Mother: “So am I just playing by myself, or are you all coming down here soon?”
In the warmth of the house, it is a good day to
Read a fine book. I read from my
Large volume, enjoying the story.
What a wondrous little tale
That I read in the comfort of my own home.
Me: “How is this character’s name pronounced? Dol- Dolo- ko- ko- Dolokhov?”
There is nothing better than
A game of chess with a family member
On the evening of Christmas.
When the house is warm and
All is quiet and calm.
Other brother: “That’s not checkmate! You must have cheated!”
A religious holiday, Christmas is.
A Church, of course, is a normal presence this time of year.
To go there during this holiday,
Many families do.
Father: “Come on, guys - this is the only time of year I ever ask anyone to go to Church.”
Brother: “Why should we go? You are the only religious person in this family!”
The holiday season brings many joys and challenges,
And from these, we have had many laughs.
Each year presents some new incident to laugh about,
And each year seems to get even better.
What a wonderful time of year, for everyone,
No matter how crazy it can be sometimes.
Favorite Christmas movie: “Christmas Vacation,” hands down.
Favorite Christmas song: https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-GenieoYaho-INTtraffichp&hsimp=yhs-INTtraffichp&hspart=GenieoYaho&p=do+you+see+what+I+see+bing+crosby#id=0&vid=828ebf5b381745d7460e9cffa4bdb81b&action=click