The Twelve Winter Drummers
The snow coated the landscape, decking the hills in white. From where she sat on the top of a hill, she blended into her landscape.
Her hair fell onto the snow, melting into the whiteness. Her skin was almost as pale as her hair, and her eyes were a light blue, almost indistinguishable from the white of her eyes.
She was very short, even shorter than a dwarf. Her face was petite, her nose small, but hooked, and her ears pointy. Her small lips were pinched together as she sat, waiting in the cold.
Her white fur dress covered her from her chin to her ankles, even all the way to her wrists. Her feet were bare, but hiding underneath her dress. Even her hands were bare, but she didn’t seem to mind.
Her ears twitched slowly as the rhythmic drumming reached her hearing. Gleefully, she straightened her back and peered down the hill, into the valley below.
Yes! She thought as the twelve drummers came drumming down the road. Dressed in their white and blue uniforms, they themselves fit in pretty well with the environment.
They would've been able to creep up on people easily if it weren't for the beating that they kept up, no matter how far they were walking.
Every winter, the Guild of the Twelve Winter Drummers set out on their march. They marched across the country, stopping in every town, lifting the spirits of the townsfolk. It was their well-advertised duty; sowing joy through rhythm.
But, only she was aware of their real mission. Nobody else had considered what the men kept themselves busy with when winter came to an end.
After many years, she had figured it out and now it was time to punish them. To end their lives, and ultimately, to save the other seasons...
After twelve years of drumming, the winter season has increased from a period of three months to nine months already. A full-blooded summer hasn’t been seen in at least six years. And the people didn’t seem to notice or care...Not that it was their fault.
But, today, she would destroy the Twelve Winter Drummers; the Archduke of Winter would lose his best henchmen...
She softly started humming, allowing her voice to grow stronger and louder, until the snow started moving underneath her, slipping out from under her and rushing down the hill. She stayed stationary, not pausing her song.
As the Winter Pixie, it was her duty to bring back her siblings and to restore freedom to Myfantheslandia. And today, she would start her mission by burying the drummers, with the help of her best friend...Lady Snow.