Fuck. Your. Hope.
"This is the year where hope fails you." -Slipknot "Pulse of the Maggots"
Succinctly put Mr. Corey Taylor.
All hope is gone. Damn it. Can't stop with the Slipknot references. Must be because it's so true. Faith. Belief. Hope. Humanity has stripped it all away. We push each other to the breaking point. We shatter one another's dreams. We condemn before we understand. Our own closed minded behavior, our inability to look at the bigger picture. Our desire to be right instead of trying to understand another person's point of view. We could have utopia if we could just get over ourselves. But our individual narcism has doomed everyone. The only hope left is the lies you tell yourself to help you sleep at night. Telling yourself that you're a good person. Telling yourself that tomorrow will be better. And it could be. But you won't do anything about it. And God. If He/She/It even exists, well, the omnipotent, omniscient has a pretty strict hands off policy anyway. Your prayers don't mean a thing.
I want to believe. I want there to be potential. I want hope and faith and for everything good and right in this world to succeed.
You ask me to speak on faith and belief. But I cannot. Because they don't exist anymore.