I woke up smelling past tense air
oh I remember when and where
but to say that I could recall there
my memory would not be fair
If all the school books had a cow
the pencils chickens I don't know how erasers goats and sheep and plow
I surely wouldn't know their ware
For certain time has taken hold
a lost bet winning this pot of gold
my eye sight waning my hands grown cold growing up and growing old
I'd climb up to my highest loft
an attic waiting cold to hot
I'd place my bets and call the shot
but it's long gone or so I'm told
A ghastly being letting on
that tales of knighthood
maidens song
that dragons beaten
the grass long gone
was not a sketch the mind had drawn?
In shattered window and crooked door was that not magic disguised as bore?
the blood red seam that jesus swore
was proof that he would with dawn would return?
but walking to a berry bush
a midday movie "Please just hush!"
that dinner made with love is mush
is eaten greatly with a rush
I cannot place a finger on it
the smell of freshly dried blue bonnet
or the sound of an ended sonnet
life wakes me to blush