Not All Ads Read The Same
Ever wonder how certain ads end up taking on a completely different meaning in another country.
Take a Pepsi ad for instance. "Come alive with Pepsi." Harmless, right? Gives that sense if you drink Pepsi, you'll feel better and lively, but in other countries, it's a different story.
For instance, in Germany, "Come alive with Pepsi" is Komm mit Pepsi aus dem Grab. Translateed back to English: Come out of the grave with Pepsi.
In China, the translation is Bǎishìkělè shǐ nín de zǔxiān cóng sǐ lǐ fùhuó and translated back to English: Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the dead.
In Polish the translation is Żyj z Pepsi,, when translated it becomes Live with Pepsi. And that one I don't know if that is meant as a roommate, or Pepsi is all we have so just deal with it.
Thing is, when you go to a foreign country, be very careful how you say, "Hello. I'd like a Pepsi, please."