Just. Keep. Going.
Breathing takes effort.
What if I just stopped?
What would it be like
to die, to sleep - and perhaps to dream
of a better world, a world where
I didn't drown under waves of despair
every fucking morning?
A world in which things worked out,
where trying and putting up a fight
made a difference,
where hope wasn't just a trick of the light,
where I didn't have to spend every alternate day
wanting to cry,
burning out slow, like the fuse of a bomb,
inching closer to a meaningless end.
Today's one of the shittier days.
There are days when I want to put up a fight
and days when I simply don't give a fuck.
I'm too angry to state the obvious
to the lost bystander, who doesn't have to live like this,
who has things handed to them on a plate.
I want to quit, but there's nowhere to go -
don't want to end it, because I have good reason to think
death is just all the pain of life
hyped up to infinity, forever and forever,
so I'd rather trudge on and on and on,
pushing a rock pointlessly up a hill
until my arms give way
or maybe
just maybe
it turns out I was right to hope,
right to keep walking,
and I break free at last.