Boys Will Be Boys
boys will be boys
performing perverted acts
and girls will be girls
forever living in fear.
boys will be boys,
stigmatized for the acts of others.
girls will be girls
jumping on the opportunity
to criticize.
boys are in the wrong.
girls are in the wrong.
everyone suffers.
girls living in fear for what they wear
and boys being disbelieved
when they report their share
of sexual harrassment.
is it any wonder
that i don't want any part
of this binary clusterfuck?
better to slide in between
the pink and blue
a purple middle ground
so that i don't have to deal
with perverted boys
and judging girls.
everyone has their flaws
indeed i do too
and it's not fair to generalize
based on the acts of a few.
i don't want to be a boy
and i don't want to be a girl
because no matter which gender i
choose to identify with,
you can't win.
boys will be boys,
girls will be girls,
and i will be me,
far away from
all of it.