A True Funny Story
We have all had something funny happen in our lives at some point so write something that happened in your life either to you or around you that was funny or funny in an interesting way. I'll start it off but keep it at 150 words or lower.
How do you spell Yucky?
I was 6 years old. My church had a chili contest to see who could make the best chili. Here's how it went. We got samples of different chili and then wrote down our feedback. Well, there was a moment of silence while everyone was writing their thoughts. Through that silence everyone hears a very loud child (me) say "Mommy, how do you spell yucky?"
Story 2: This happened just a few days ago. My brother is very good at mental math. Well I jokingly asked him how he got so good at it. he said "I forgot my pencil everyday to school."
"And your calculator?" I asked.
"Lost that halfway through the school year."