Write a formal letter as a lipogram
the letter (complaint, reseignation, memorandum, extortion letter, etc.) MUST NOT, under any circumstance, contain the letter E , T and K in the text. please, if you hold anything true and dear, don't stray from the fair instructions given to you. it is so important to be honest in this exercise. you will know deep within you, that you did something very wrong, if you betray our trust..
Good sir,
Monday shows promising signs of limpid air and no rain. If rain occurs, Mr. O’Connor can absorb and/or drain any damp liquids using our supply of rags. Our show will carry on. Music has a profound grip on humans’ soul, forming joyful suroundings. Our company should focus on a musical mission. For our show on Monday, Moris Band’s piano, violins, violas, chairs, and props should find a way upon our singers’ dias. Public individuals will occupy rows four and up, roughly four yards from all possibly loud music. Individuals such as you and I will occupy room six, glancing across our dias from high up. Bring up any inquiry any day saving day of.
John Miller