On This Day: August 6th … Strange Holidays
National Fresh Breath Day
Wiggle Your Toes Day
International Beer Day
National Root Beer Float Day
I have wiggled my toes for years and never once did I know I could have taken the day off work because it’s a holiday. Oh, the things I have missed out on in my life! (NOT)
National Fresh Breath Day
Both Man and Woman have worried about bad breath for eons of time. The use of mouth freshening herbs dates back to around 2,700 B.C. Whether on the dating scene, interviewing for a job, working closely with others, or for countless other reasons, most of us care about how our breath smells, or doesn't smell. If you don't care about your breath, I can assure you that the people around you do. And so, I turn to a variety of methods to freshen our breath, and keep it fresh all day and night long.
Here are some of the keys ways to avoid Halitosis:
Have routine dental exams by your dentist.
Have dental cleanings by a dental hygienist every six months.
Brush your teeth after every meal.
Floss your teeth at least once a day.
Use mouth wash regularly.
Do not chew gums that contains sugar. The sugar can cause bad breath.
Use breath mints regularly. Always have them on hand.
And if you didn’t know this—50% of the bacteria in your mouth promotes bad breath.
This day is also sometimes called Halitosis Day. That's odd, as Halitosis is the technical term for bad breath, which is the opposite of fresh breath.
"If God can work through me, he can work through anyone."—St. Francis of Assisi
Wiggle Your Toes Day
Time to give the little piggies some exercise.
Those ten extremities at the ends of your feet, are crying out for a little freedom.
Cramped up inside a pair of shoes or sneakers all day long, your stinky toes just don't get the chance to move about freely, as they would like to do.
Celebrate by airing out your toes, and wiggling them around for all to see. The best place to wiggle your toes on a hot August day, is in the pool. Or sit on a dock and stick your wiggly little toes in the water.
Not all toes are alike. Like people, toes come in all shapes and sizes. There is a small percentage of the population who have two or more toes partially joined together, web like toes
"Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be."—Ralph Waldo Emerson
International Beer Day
Today is a global celebration of beer, taking place in pubs, breweries, and backyards all over the world. It’s a day for beer lovers everywhere to raise a toast to our brewers and bartenders and rejoice in the greatness of beer.
The purpose of IBD is threefold:
To gather with friends and enjoy the deliciousness that is beer.
To celebrate the dedicated men and women who brew and serve our beer.
To bring the world together by celebrating the beers of all nations and cultures on this one remarkable day.
International Beer Day takes place annually on the first Friday in August and was first celebrated in August 2008. August was chosen for its summer weather and distance from other beer celebrations and is celebrated in over 200 cities globally.
He is a wise man who invented beer.—Plato
More Strange Holidays Coming!