A Day in the Life
Why are there so few hours in the day? My manic self tells me that taking 16 college credits, changing jobs, starting work study, raising 4 kids, and doing field experience is fine. I am fucking incredible! My depressed self wants to kill my manic self. My stable self is highly concerned about both of my other selves.
WHY does Bipolar disorder
have to disrupt my entire life?
WHY does manic me
get to call the shots?
WHY does depressed me have to
cash the checks
that manic me can’t cash?
Why can’t stable me
call the shots once in awhile?
I would like to spend one day in the head of myself where stable me calls the shots and the other selves are copesthetic and everything is fine and dandy, and feelings feel appropriate for a situation and the thoughts don’t have to run so fast, and focusing on one of the 47 projects I started this week got finished and the anger and rage that “good morning” and “Love you!” didn’t feel so strong because maybe, just maybe they actually mean it.