City At Night (or The Velocity of Italy)
Morning in Italy.
France in the rearview
after two grueling days
a thing about the French:
besides the chain-smoking death wish,
there’s an overall feeling of defensiveness,
and between them and myself
an argument on the meaning
of cleanliness in all meanings
not to generalize, but I am
-beware of cowards who fear
the weight of being general
all the other details and exceptions
are obvious
and the French I met outside of
Avignon, that beautifully walled-in
city rich with heritage,
structures and stone
molested by industry
an ancient strip mall now
expensive shoes and
dog shit on the streets
men who were absent
of eye
the women who were beautiful to see
but the people away from there,
the wine country in
Provence, flush with
white birches like claws reaching out
of earth
the villages pressed against
a countryside so green and
graced with with hills and
I almost couldn’t watch them
the people of the small stops
and stations with their laughing
hearts and deep blood
that gave into Monaco
and the Italian border
and the velocity of Italy
the drivers insane, but a
controlled, adrenaline type of insane
not like the greedy recklessness of
the French roads
but a menacing, playful
shit-eating grin danger
that I have to respect
all of it pours together here
the faces, the language,
the lust for living
the ease at which they approach
the appreciation and care
for food
for drink
for speaking
for how they leave each other
feeling when they walk away
here in Siena, the morning traffic downstairs
comes up through the the window
and exposes the States
and I sit here thinking about
the lives broken, bent, and twisted
or bent, twisted, and then broken but
still breathing, moving onto the next
many of them waited in their beds
or behind the counters
or behind their desks
pervasive in gender and city
the evil stupidity
of them all
not to say that
every place doesn’t have
its evils, because every
place does
but let this one stay
new to me
let me feel this
heavy metal
and sun
until I have to fly
back into
the known.