Get Back Out There
Get back out there.
Out there is the future.
Out there is more.
When I say “out there”, I mean outside of your mind, I mean outside of your house, I mean outside of whatever routine you’ve got yourself stuck in. Allowing yourself to live with the same sorrow, regret, or shame, the same memories, the same few people – or maybe no people – is not giving life a fair chance.
Life is not meant to be lived alone, but in community. It’s not meant to be lived solely in a house, but in nature. It’s not meant to be lived in grief and worry and grumbling, but in joy, peace, and love. It’s not meant to be lived in the past or the future, but the present. And it’s not meant to be lived in darkness, but in light.
You will find yourself in dark places, physically and mentally and emotionally and spiritually. You will find that life is sometimes the toughest uphill climb, or even a seemingly never-ending trek across the flattest field. And sometimes, you’ll find that you’re thrown into the water, at a total loss of control, just trying to stay afloat. Sometimes you fall, and sometimes you start to sink. but you’re never really in trouble until you choose to stop climbing, stop walking, stop swimming. Whatever comes your way, you get back up again. You swim back to the surface. The urge to give up is your biggest threat. Complacency should be your greatest fear. But when you find yourself in that awful place, when the last thing you want to do is keep climbing, keep walking, keep swimming, do it anyway. Do it to make progress. Do it to grow. Do it to make a difference in the world. You were created for a purpose; go discover what is it, and once you do, work at it with everything in you, because no one can accomplish it quite as well as you can.
So go find a new opportunity. Go meet some beautiful new people. Go laugh and go cry. Go work and rest and dream and accomplish things. Go set goals and meet them. Go learn and grow. Go live.
Get back out there.