Contemplating with Thoreau
Think you are a great multi-tasker? I doubt it.
Multi-Tasking = Poor Prioritization.
If writing is important to you, then make time to write.
If you finish the day feeling like a dog that has been chasing his tail, then not only are you exhausted, but your backside still itches, too. It is why dogs fare poorly in the wild. Take a bear now... she knows how to scratch her itch and then get on about the important business of a long winter’s nap!
There is little non-sense surrounding Momma Bear. She wakes, scratches her rear end on an unfortunate Spruce tree (quickly ridding herself of that annoying itch), while her Cubs slowly come alive. She then gathers them up before leading them straight to the termite log for twenty minutes of breakfast. When time is up, she’ll angle her unhappy brood (who wish to linger, as there are still plenty of termites to dig out) across a mountain meadow pink with Indian Paintbrush straight to her favorite elderberry patch for lunch hour. The cubs will want to laze once more in the tall grasses after their elderberry lunch, but Momma will still manage, as always, to be there early for her prime seat at the evening salmon run. All of this is no run of luck, nor accident. You see, Momma Bear had a plan, and woe to the irascible cub, panther, unfortunate hiker, or anyone else who stands between she and her goals! When there are little mouths to feed efficiency is a must.
And then there is the bee. Funny thing about a bee. He may linger about the rose bush, visiting and re-visiting it’s many petals, but he knows what he is about. He knows that the stickier his feet get, the more pollen he will find on his next visit. But if you are ever dying of thirst in the desert and a bee buzzes past your ear, follow it quickly! He will be heading directly to water, without deviation.
And while an ant appears helter-shelter, the hill somehow forms, doesn’t it?
No, it is only man and his beasts’ who get bogged down in self-made mire, accomplishing little to nothing in their eight hour day. So when you find yourself dying the death of a thousand cuts: Stop! Ask yourself what is most important. Complete that task, and ask yourself again? Then complete that task. Be the Momma Bear! Roar at those trying to hinder your progress! Be the bee and head directly to water! Prioritize!
When you find yourself with much to accomplish remember ’Ol Huck’s definition of a multi-tasker is, “one who does many things poorly.” (This is also a good thing to remember in a job interview. When you say, “I’m a great multi-tasker,” you are telling a potential boss that you do not prioritize.)
Stop. Plan. Execute without deviation!
Be the Momma Bear!
(You can thank me later, when you have completed writing your latest new story. ;)
“It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are we busy about?”
- Henry David Thoreau
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