I live in a house with three other teenage girls, and while I understand that this is the source of the issue, I haven't a clue as to what to do about it. There is hair everywhere in my house. Everywhere. There is not an item, floor, wall, or any bit of mass that is safe from the falling hair. Brown hair, blond hair, short hair, long hair, and every kind and color you have ever seen, there is a hair for it in my home. I pick hair off of clothes, I pick hair off the floor, I sweep up hair tumbleweeds, and then clean some more. No matter what measure I go to, no matter how deeply, and thoroughly I clean, there is always more hair to be seen. We have lint rollers lined up by the dozen, we have hair catchers in the shower, and yes even in the sink, so you would sincerely think we would have hair under control, but alas the answer is still no. Hair in the food, hair in tea, more hair in our floors than is on our heads you see. Hair in the laundry, hair in the bathroom, hair on a chair, hair everywhere. One day I did think up a solution, and a nip and snip and few quick buzzes later, and suddenly there was no hair, but the girls got me back later.