Honesty In Small Doses
You know how you get that feeling when your expecting a certain reaction
from that one special person, and you honestly believe in your heart
that its gonna happen, but it just doesn’t?
Your whole world just crashes around you.
You wanna curl in a ball as you try
not to cry because it didn’t happen?
You have to fake that smile on your face
because that person is sitting in front of you
at that time of the alleged moment
that crushed your choking heart.
You have to hold back the waterfall
of unforgiving tears because one minute
you’re feeling on top of the world
thinking it's the perfect moment,
when in reality it's not going to happen.
Yet in the back of your feeble, tainted mind
you knew what the outcome was going to be.
You knew this would be the moment
you feared the most, but you fought
against your better judgement
because you didn’t want it to be true.
You felt your hands shaking
as you pushed the feelings aside.
You heard your heart beat
three times faster than usual
but you figured it was just from the excitement
of your soon to be moment.
You skipped a few harsh breaths
in anticipation of seeing them.
You mistook your shaking
q u i c k e n e d
harsh gasps of honesty
for fallacies,
p r e t e n d
and a fairy-tale with a twisted ending.
You told yourself it wasn’t that easy.
You told yourself it just wasn’t going to happen.
Yet, obliviously, you took a dive
into uncharted waters
and the crashing waves consumed you.
Now you’re drowning in a sea of confusion
lost in a wave of forgotten dreams
of what could have been but never will be.
You’re so far into the water now.
No one can save you.
You sink under and let reality wash over you.
You’re no longer locked inside
this box of expectations.
You finally accept to stop expecting.