To Express A Feeling
One of the most apparent intentions of art is to express an emotion or experience that is to great to be summed up into one word. Within art, it a labeled emotion that holds a complex ocean of secrets and feelings. One may summarize how they feel by saying that they're happy or sad, but this may be but an understatement to a profound freedom and joy that can only be compared to a bird set free. Or perhaps, it is an understatement of a darkness that holds a beauty that consumes any beholder until they are forced to confront the undying loneliness that can only be compared to an abyss of cold solidarity? Regardless of the emotion, art is what expresses and defines an emotion that cannot be summarized into one word. That being said, pick an emotion to describe. It can be any emotion, and it can be described in any way!
Its heavy. Its crushing. Its festering inside me
like a virus in my gut.
I guess I never knew how full a cup could be.
Will it spill? Will I break? Or is this just a rut?
“Be strong. Suck it up.
I don’t have time for petty shit.
Pick up your ruck. Fill up that cup.
You’d better not fucking quit.”
“Just shove it all deep down inside—
you know it’s the only way.
Stand up, show some pride,
you’ll deal with this a later day.”
I want to feel, I really do.
I promise this is true.
I just don’t have the strength right now to
change my damn world view.
So instead I think I’ll stop and pray
to He who lights my way:
“O God, why can’t you please
just take my pain away?”