Effective Awareness
The voice, my inner self elected for dismissing my immaturity wherever it might be, whether the moment demands of it to externally express itself via a notion, or be it internal inappropriate a motion spuring whatever broken wording offers as conjuring compilations that overtime accumulated from reactions out of anger held onto inside the mind. A imperitive collective when defining my image was not necessarily forseeable consignment to consider for design, yet because of this intuitive consciousness making sure I was aware of the dangers obvious at the time, i turned out to be relatively fine I'd say, thank goodness. What a blessing to have a deeper version of me adressing negative build-up, eradicating harmful systematic dangers perminantly while mentoring on why it best to be representing the body differently. Descerning made easy, accumilative honourable learning without yearning respectively. Concerning all things deserving reputation proceeds me, the voice that doubles up inside of me would have set things up perfectly for confidence to excell when those allocated destinations are reached in reality. The journey is a success story with the conscience intact, eagerly awaiting to respond back in kind, to find matters accordingly so tutoring on the matter when necessary could be used to mould, to build & to grow a better version of a man for the World to see. Silently residing inside until obeying the vocabulary making itself clear to me insists I favourably do so as to avoid endangering the vessel, my body it seems to know better then I, the person who occupys this flesh & monitors it daily, strangely. No estranging to be enabling the wrong, only for goodness sake does it provisionally ensure im able to live hassel free, a life complementary to what Christ requires I out of reverence to it see as worthy indefinitely. Greater is He that is in me then he who is of this World. Thankfully.