1. I began to write as soon as I was able to string words into sentences. I wrote this lovely story about a fruit kingdom where everyone died when I was in first grade. That was the peak of my childhood innocence. I remember really taking writing seriously when my fourth grade teacher was talking about people he thought loved writing essays and he didn't include me. I was very annoyed and felt I had to prove myself and that was when the craze began.
2. Writing helps give me a reason to wake up in the mornings. I have diagnosed depression and so it is really hard for me to find something to live for sometimes, but I love writing and it helps me process my emotions and feel better. Instead of throwing myself a pity party I'm able to lift myself up through my writing. Even if my writing isn't the best, it is very positive in my life and I wouldn't dream of giving it up. It is my life.
3. My ultimate writing goal is to reach a place where I can be proud of myself and love my own writing. My writing improves my life greatly; however, still have a deep hatred for every aspect of myself, including my writing. When I can read my writing and love it fully, then I will finally be able to be proud of something. Publishing a book would definitely be a plus.