The Interview
1. When did you begin to write?
I suppose that depends on your definition of the question. I started writing in the sense of physically writing in first grade, about a year late. Unless you count math hands were never really up to it. As I got older I learned to type and that's when I learned that my dream to write a kids book was less unrealistic than I thought. I started journaling, blogging, and eventually did write and illustrate my first book.
2. What does writing give back to you? What is your ultimate writing goal?
I never thought about what writing gave back to me, but I know I felt a physical release when I wrote a blog article on the way the system was set up to force people without means to sin. Physically getting the words out of me and putting them where they could be seen felt so needed. What writing gives me actually varies by project, as a kid it was mostly hand cramps.
As for my ultimate goal as a writer, aside from it being one of many components of making a living, blogging getting to the point where I can maintain 2 or more blogs easily, finishing my kids book series, and while I don't know if a novel is in my future I can say that I feel like I didn't choose writing goals the writing goals pick me. So I don't know what goals will pick me down the road.