Offer a blessing onto someone
It's a new year, why be negative? Wish nice things to others. Make it funny.
Felt Cute. Might Delete Later xoxo
May all you dreams come true,
In the year that is twenty, twenty-two.
I hope you find all that you seek,
And more importantly, your eyebrows be 'on fleek'.
I hope your every Friday night is lit,
That your every friend is legit.
I hope all your selfies are cute AF,
And get loads likes on the Gram and Facebook.
Let that one your heart desires, swipe right,
May they be the one to set your soul alight.
I hope you find the one to call you 'Bae,'
Well in time for Valentines Day.
May that person bring all the hearts and roses,
Couples Tik Toks and yoga poses.
I wish for you, all the Netflix and the Chill,
Cos 2022 gone be your year babes, you know it will.