I lean out the car window during the thunderstorm, hoping something will hit me.
I fall out of second-story windows.
I drive fast.
I walk under ladders.
I cross paths with black cats.
I break mirrors.
I spill salt.
I hope something will happen to me.
I open my journal and stare at the page.
I scribble words until it looks like something that could fill my empty spaces.
I speak until someone listens.
I scream at the top of my lungs.
I cry in public.
I don’t text back fast enough.
I smile and laugh through the pain.
I wait.
I wait for someone else to speak.
I wait for my cue.
I wait to be happy.
I wait for my friends to smile before I laugh at the joke.
I wait for the mail.
I wait for my cat to come back.
I wait for a phone call.
I wait until the last minute, then decide to try again next time.
I wait for the bus.
I wait to fall in love.
I wait for inspiration to strike.
I wait for him to catch up, sometimes.
I wait for someone else to jump off the bridge before I follow suit.
I don’t know.
I don’t know him!
I am a mystery.
I am incomprehensible even to myself.
I am unhappy.
I am simple.
I am going away.
I am lonely.
I am a selfish kind of person.
I am not the kind of person who has things under control, even if I act like I am.
I am trying.
I am not trying my best.
I am.
I am not.
I don’t know what to think
I think I am a good person.
I think I know who is good and who is bad.
I think that my pets are better than other people’s pets.
I think I am good at judging character.
I think I should be a better friend.
I think my friends will make better friends.
I think my plants will die soon.
I think I am over-watering them.
I think I will never finish reading this book.
I think I am right more often than I really am.
I think, therefore,
I lean out the car window during the thunderstorm.