constructive criticism or being a dick?
Constructive criticism is great
And often very welcome. Especially on posts where I state "feedback welcome."
I often make mistakes and notice after posting so I go back and edit. Sometimes these mistakes are done on purpose.
I write poetry, I write stories and I'll join in with some of the one liners.
My poetry can sometimes be obscure, lines you don't understand, metaphors that mean something to me but not you. They range on topics but in the end I wrote them, not you.
My stories can be a range of genres and not to everyone's liking.
Little challenges I enter are just for fun and the titles generally reflect that.
So telling me my sentance doesn't quite make sense, a word is missing here or I used the wrong your there, can be constructive and sometimes what I want.
However; going through lots of my writing and telling me you don't like my lines, to change my titles, that you don't understand why I put something in as that's not something you've ever thought of, that you don't like the way it's written. That's not constructive, that's just being a bit of a dick.
And then I remembered this wonderful block button which I was hoping never to use on here but, alas, I have.
In real life and getting published, or on my university essays, at work or by people for just being me. Criticism is dealt with easily and in a lot of those cases is often expected. Its often also wanted and needed in some of those cases for me to improve my work.
But on something like this I would have expected constructive or nothing. If I don't like something someone has written I just scroll on by. We all have different tatses so of course we're not going to please everyone.
There is a thin line between constructive criticism and just being a bit of a dick.