Go Extreme
Why is it considered uncouth to eat things with a spoon? I'm not really sure, but who cares! I'm one of those people who eat potato chips with a fork. Technically you're supposed to use your fork with your left hand. Nobody but left-handed people do that...unless of course you're me. I'm somewhat ambidextrous, and I enjoy using my left hand for stuff. Can you spread your butter on your bread with your fork? Sure! Why not? Yeah, if you're at a fancy dinner, you should use your silverware properly. What do I think you should do? Well, you should eat everything with silverware, even finger food, and have salad forks, and dessert forks, and regular forks and appetizer forks. Either that, or eat everything with your fingers. In other words, GO EXTREME, just for the fun of it. Relax and enjoy yourself. Everyone always suspected that you were weird anyway. :)