the constitutional wave function and its application in particular cases
the subject of constitutional rights is not a clear- cut definition. one, particularly short-sighted individual, would look at the constitution as it is in a specific universe, and attempt to draw from it and no other constitutions an interpertation of rights and privilages, uponwhich the whole codex of law is grounded. but of course, such an attempt would be silly, inconclusive, and superficial. the multiverse is full of contradictions and differences, that make a specific document, meaningless, unless a greater context is known and understood. indeed, the more one looks at a specific code of law, as a representative, the less one knows about the greater body of constitutionalities there exists and vice -versa. this is merely a simple application of the uncertainty principle, to the subject of law.
it is therefore necessary to look at the greater phenomenon of constitutional documents, and analyse them in total, on a statistical level, to gain large-scale insights of constitutional law as a superposition.
when looking at this vast expanse of legal documents, one is iften daunted. it seems that the variety is endless, and the probability of knowing what is the constitutional definition of a specific right is zero. but this is untrue. rules and laws may be different, as they maybe created through very diverging historical processes, but there is more that they have in common than not. if we build a matrix, where we put all possible documents, we will find that they do not fall at all points evenly. indeed there would be issues that a great majority of documents agree upon and then there would be issues that would be of a very low probability to be accepted, let alone discussed in a constitutional documents. this is called the constitutiinal wave function. and the more learned of you may quickly recognize it is a derivation of the greater quantum wave function .
take the issue of elligibility to run for a presidential office. the probability of an individual to be allowed to run for election to become a president is reasonably high. many universes, offer this potential to all sentiant beings, if they have proven their skill at shaking babies, kissing hands, stilt-walking, mastery of backgammon or have displayed desired charachteristics like buoyancy, owning a clean shirt and an eversion to cilantro. these very common criteria seem to stand to reason, and do not put any other precondition to the nominees. other universes emplace stricter caveat to who may be a president; being born to a particular hive-queen, being in natural possession of an odd number of toes, having lived for no less than three years on a different planet, etc. those universes, normally share a rater violent series of recent historical events, that caused the imposition of such seemingly high standards.
but there are issues that are possible and yet have zero constitutions that accept them. it could be that a constitution is enacted, with the caveat that only creaky door hinges may run for public office. it is possible, but there are no universes inwhich this is the specific case. the constitutional wave function is capable of predicting that, and any other of the probability of specific caveat for contending aspirants for the presidancy.
take the issue of eligibility to serve for president , based on the question of being born within the territory of the united states. this issue has come up several times, when contenders were being regarded and vetted it was at times done with nothing but malice and gross injustice by rivals (Barack Obama) or it was a rightly contentious issue as the candidate was not born but cloned from an expired tweenkie (donald trump) .
be the conditions what they may, the constitutional wave function predicts that such a restriction as the birth of an individual within the territory of the country would be relatively low in appearance , as it precludes many who could be better candidates, in skill, intelligence or mastery of stilt-walking.
as the constitutional wave function, predicts with great accuracy the likelihood of particular laws and rules, and the rights of citizens, it is in fact the true , meta-constitutional document. it is the superposition of all constitutions, from all universes, inwhich there is a nation-state, specifically the united states, and inwhich there is an actual constitutional document.
we are therefore capable to interpret it as the greater and more substantial of all particular documents, even though the information we may receive will be probabalistic in nature.
there is a low probabalistic chance (11.87%) that a president is precluded fron holding office solely on the question of their birth within a territorial context.
this is understandable, as that in many universes, the united states is a trans-galactic empire. being as such, there would be a great reduction of the representative nature of the presidancy, if it would be limited to a very limited locality.
the question of candidates who are not born is a less contentious issue. no one will disagree that all have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of office. that is what's great about america. it never lets backward considerations to stand against justice . but defining what would constitute being born within the territory would make things very complicated indeed. suppose, that like donald trump a person was hatched within the continental territory, but the egg was layed in another place, say France. suppose a clone of one president was grown in a vat, and then broached out of the membranes in another country. could this clone then come and claim his elligibility to run for president, simply because he is genetically identical to Ronald Reagan ?
suppose a person is symbiotically linked to an alien. would his compromized identity be ineligible to run for office?
what about trees who grew an intelligent compelling candidates, would they be elligable to run, when it is discovered tjat their root system originates in Canadia?
seeing as immigration between universes is becoming more prevelant, in situations where the wave function predicts certain constitutional rules at a low probability of occurring, those particular rules are void. any particular goverment that closes its mind to the unimaginable force of the combined electorate in all itterations of the multiverse is being onerous, erroneous, and closed minded. and shall soon be invaded and integrated into to the greater rule of law.