A False Premise
Black mothers are
three times more likely to die in childbirth than white women
Black mothers are
five times more likely to die from pregnancy-related disorders
For black mothers,
abortion is about saving lives not ending them
A ban on abortion means
more death for black women - the rate will rise by a third
A ban on abortion means
more death for poor women,
Who seek unsafe ways to save themselves
To "die trying" becomes a gruesome reality
There is no sense of poetry here.
When women are treated merely as vessels
Criminalized, brutalized, marginalized
We cannot begin to consider the value of "lives" lost
When we do not value the ones already living
Black mothers may have abortions at higher rates
But that's not due to some moral failing
At least not on their part - this racist nation is to blame
These women, often poor, the game stacked against them
Lack access to healthcare that should be a right
As their schools teach abstinence if anything at all
If you think Black Lives Matter,
focus on the human beings here now
Instead of clumps of cells and some imagined future
The reality is they were saved
From a world that doesn't want them
This country hates women,
the black and brown ones the most.