I'm awake.
2 minutes before my alarm.
Hate that.
Rub my eyes
Reach for my phone to see if the world ended over night.
It didn't.
Slum down the hall
Contemplating whether I really need this job
Contrary to popular belief Wednesday is the worst day of the week
The day before Friday Eve
Fucking Wednesday
I open the front door to see what this hump day has to offer
It hits me
That bright light pierced through my cloudy morning distain
The glow melting my Wednesday contempt
Palm trees
Blue sky
The warmth of a sunny California day
Soft whisper of a SoCal breeze
Negative thoughts slither back under my bed
The warm comfort of hope washing over
Breathe in
Eyes batter renewed exuberance
At night sadness, regret and failures drown me
But somehow the day reaches in and saves me
Warns off the shadows
Ignites my froze over faith
Shatters my cocoon of defeat and questioned self-worth
Breathe out
Hello Wednesday