Memory Walker
Not really sure if you can call me a time traveler...
I mean I can only travel to my memories..
At night I lie down. I remember. And then I'm there.
Sometimes I go to a time when I cried through the night.
I comfort the younger me.
I tell myself that men CAN cry.
I tell myself that it's okay to be different.
That I don't need to fit in.
I'll be fine...
Other times I go back to the times I listened to my mama crying...
I tell her that I love her
That I know it's hard but we'll make it through.
That I know she skips meals so my brothers and I can fill our stomachs,
and even if we don't say it much we love her,
and we appreciate her.
I do this every night.
I go back.
Comfort myself,
My mama,
My brothers,
Searching for that one memory that broke me.....
But maybe...
Just maybe...
I was born broken.......