I Was Here
This land is our land this land is your land
the greatest melting pot of citizens since Rome
is just a laboratory of vats stuffed with rats
floating in the stew of equality and self assurance
scratching tallies in the case for each passing day
just to grasp the passage of time
just to etch away the message “I was here”
I was here
what does it matter
sure you were here
here among the billions of others
why are you special
you die like everyone else
you ask the same questions
as the light draws away from your eyes
the final crescendo at the end of life
the point at the end of each crescendo
the light at the bottom of the ocean
or perhaps the dark at the bottom of the light
the final wish to be remembered
immortality in culture
ironically the way they describe lab grown cancer
the festering growth of malignant cells
a tax upon society it is to be remembered
the weight of thought at all times
to be remembered or to be forgot
the final question
to echo the words I was here
or to fade away
to be or not to be