There is a crack in the sky
where the light shines throught
it's not yours
it's definitely not mine
but we'd share the shine
because of your cracks
and mine.
There is a hole in the ground
a window
or maybe just a widow of dirt;
there is a hole
in our bodies
revealing the underground
and the dirt
from the underneath.
There is a beacon of time
where wishes come to light
where you can hear the biggest earrings tingle
where life just keeps on living on and on and on and on.
There is a tree which roots are hugs
isn't it nice?
to think about an oak just hugging you a lot?
even if you can't find a body?
What's beneath shall arise
because too much time in darkness
make those fragile limbs
feel light coming from everywhere.
It's cool if you're a Kardashian though
but where I come from
it's not the coin that shines the brightest
it's the wit filled empathy
the strength of will and love
it's not the ripped body
nor the wicked fake smile
where I am it is the fertility in our tears
the hugging oak
and the biggest and childish laughter
that cracked once the sky.