Behind It All
You put on
The same mask
You put on
A fake smile
But still
You wonder
Why no one sees
What's really happening
Behind it all.
You never tell the truth
When asked "Are you okay?"
It's always a lie
I'm fine
Don't worry about me"
And yet
You're saddened
When no one can see
The way
You truly feel
Behind it all.
Even though
You want someone
To see
How broken
And shattered
You really are
You still hide it
Behind loud laughter
And big smiles
No one sees
Because you hide it
You don't open up
You don't let people in
You're afraid
Of looking needy
Or attention seeking
So you hide it
Put the mask back on
Plaster on a smile
Wipe away the tears
And lie
"I'm okay"
And over
And again
You want support
You want someone
To understand
To look at you
And see through
The external costume
Into the internal turmoil
Of thought
And feeling
That's consuming you whole
But you hide it
So no one will see
No one
Can comfort you
Protect you
From the bad things
If you're
The only one
Aware of them.