Depression is not
"Tragically beautiful"
It's exhausting
Feeling miserable
More often than not
And having no motivation
To do anything
Not to get out of bed
To get dressed
To clean your room
Or anything else
It's being plagued
By the awful thoughts
Of ending your life
Of everything
Not being worth it.
Anxiety is not
"Tragically beautiful"
It's the feeling you get
The second before
Your chair tips
But you don't feel it
For only a second
You feel it
Every waking second
That fear
In the pit of your stomach
Like a rock
And sooner or later
It will be too heavy
To carry.
Having both anxiety
And depression
Is not
"Tragically beautiful"
It's not having motivation
To get up
And go to school
But feeling afraid
Of what would happen
If you miss anything
The mess
Is making you anxious
But you just say
"I'll clean it tomorrow"
It's caring too much
But also
Not caring at all.
Don't romanticize anxiety
Or depression
Or any mental illness
Don't fake it, either
Because maybe
There's someone
Dying inside
Who's afraid to speak out
Because mental illnesses
Are so generalized
And romanticized
And pushed down
Into a tiny ball
Of something
That no one
Properly knows
Anything about
Because it was painted over
By people
Who decided that
They wanted attention
And thought
The best way to do it
Was to fake something
And in the process
Make it seem
Less horrible
Than it actually is.