Kidnapped by Migraines
There have been many days (22 of 30 to be precise) in which I've been in an agony that carries with it no sympathy or understanding. I try to roll with it but they are taking a huge toll on the quality & quantity of my life. I know others share the same and for that I can truly sympathize.
I'm not necessarily looking for any sympathy. But between the time in a blacked-out room, medical testing, neurologists, nasty meds, MRIs; followed frantically by spending migraine-free days in a whirlwind of catching up with basic life to-do's. Phone calls, family, friends, house cleaning, taking a shower.
My notebooks are full of "starts". Of topics that challenge me & take me from my comfort zone as a lifelong writer. Just because I have to, Even if I suck at it due to my dyslexic moments, spelling issues or grammar placement. Or just sucking. I want to be here. I want to write. To connect with those who "get it". As well as to read & know more about you, by what you share.
And I will. I'm taking steps holistically, nutritionally & medically. I've gone from vegetarian to an unprocessed foods vegan. (Carrageenan is a huge trigger for me & that ingredient is in everything-even in items claiming to be organic). And I'm fucking frustrated. Pissed off. I want to have a life. I want to be present for those I love, to keep a normal schedule in the outside world; as well as be part of #prose. To participate others by using this online writing community on a regular basis.
The sooner I can find the cause and control this excruciating pain. I will be here.
And then sometimes I'll be kidnapped by an evil migraines and go missing for 6-10 days.
But I will escape eventually to where the sun shines & I remember anything is possible when you stay open to change. With patience.
xo ~ L