The Stock Market Hoax
Oooh! Ride the roller coaster of intoxication
throw your dollars on beckoning roulette wheel
buy some junk bonds, throw them in your closet
keep your heart in your mouth for the plunge
and the stock market passions arising ever higher.
You’re on a magic carpet of exhilarating roll,
peaking before fall of no return spades your wallet
seedy men in spiffed up jackets shoveling money
into their coffers before resounding closing bell.
Buy low, sell high they chant in overpowering chorus
I watch in horror as my no-load fund tumbles
Secondary bond portfolio is worthless, crumbles
ever downward into bottomless abyss as I hang on
worthless certificates which are just scraps of paper.
The promised land eludes me once again as I dissolve
puddle on littered floor of instant wealth fantasies.