Please don't be that guy.
Please don't be the one who causes the party to end early.
Because he got so drunk, he puked on the host.
Then immediately tried to kiss the host's wife.
After he couldn't stop grabbing cups of punch.
Please don't be the one, who comes home from work at the bar,
Stomping and scaring your young daughter.
Uncaringly, mistaking her room for the nearby bathroom,
And peeing on her white toy bin after too much white wine.
Please don't be the one, that on a supposed fun night.
Spent too much time at the arcade's bar,
And when your wife is beeped in to go to the hospital as the head doctor,
Get pulled over with your daughter in the backseat.
Please don't be the one, who on new year's eve,
mistook your daughter for your wife,
and made her drink champagne,
before she could even spell the word.
Please don't be the one, who argued with your wife,
And angrily break a lamp and your wife's nose,
With your daughter crying in the corner,
Not old enough to know how to dial 911.
Please don't be the one, whose bruised wife
has to leave before your daughter's pale
skin is black and blue with hit marks,
Left alone with no one else.
Please don't be the one, who couldn't stop
Who drank too much, who got too rough,
Who couldn't put their foot down.
Who got in fights for acting too tough.
Please don't be that guy.