My Surrender
To surrender is to let go,
To give up the need to be in control,
To release the tight grip on our fears and doubts.
It is to admit our vulnerability,
To give up our need to be right,
And to open our hearts to the unknown.
Surrender is a willingness to let go of our past,
To step into the present moment
And to trust that the future will unfold
In the way that is best for us.
It is a willingness to be open to change,
To let go of our old ways of thinking and being,
And to allow the universe to guide us
In the direction of our highest good.
Surrender is a state of grace,
A moment of peace in the midst of chaos,
A breath of fresh air in the midst of turmoil.
It is a reminder that we are not in control,
That life is unfolding in its own unique way,
And that all we can do is let go and trust.