Did you ever actually read Pinnchio? That adorable story about a boy so loved from his adoptive father that he became his true son?
Hhhmmm. What a wonderful thought. Someone who could create something and they become their most desired object of their affection. That if you adopted a complete misfit as your own and maybe I wasn't so happy to be a part of this obscure familyWhat if you adopted a complete misfit as your own and maybe I wasn't so happy to be a part of the familyWhat if you adopted a complete misfit as your own and maybe I wasn't so happy to be a part of the family?
Must be nice good ol' father. Guess, whether if I'd be happy either like myself or my adopted self you probably didn't think anything about it.
Thanks father. I used this to fuse you hatred. Hatred to the lust. Why you couldn't have let me be alone. Why did you bring me alive to kill my perfect sweet soul....because I've tried for years and now I wish I was would and I'm untouchable again.
You never asked but knew what he did. Pinnchio, please come out. Tell us another lie.