Did you ever actually read Pinnchio? That adorable story about a boy so loved from his adoptive father that he became his true son?
Hhhmmm. What a wonderful thought. Someone who could create something and they become their most desired object of their affection. That if you adopted a complete misfit as your own and maybe I wasn't so happy to be a part of this obscure familyWhat if you adopted a complete misfit as your own and maybe I wasn't so happy to be a part of the familyWhat if you adopted a complete misfit as your own and maybe I wasn't so happy to be a part of the family?
Must be nice good ol' father. Guess, whether if I'd be happy either like myself or my adopted self you probably didn't think anything about it.
Thanks father. I used this to fuse you hatred. Hatred to the lust. Why you couldn't have let me be alone. Why did you bring me alive to kill my perfect sweet soul....because I've tried for years and now I wish I was would and I'm untouchable again.
You never asked but knew what he did. Pinnchio, please come out. Tell us another lie.
I remember vaguely, the first time I had ever indevoured to devour. Your sweet scent, your intoxicating taste, one that I will always remember. You hurt me though. Putting so much on my thighs. But I still went back to you, hoping it would change. Never wondering, never questioning why. Then you came to me one evening. When I was very blue. Brown velvet in my mouth, and yes, I knew it had to be you. There are very few times in my life that I can say I was in love. But you were the first one, and above all the only one. You comfort me in bad times, you see me through all the good, and you never judge me, even if you could. I love you.
It starts with a smile.
One, you may not have seen in quite a while.
Then with a touch,
Small, insignificant, and one you didn't think meant much.
Then there is the eyes,
Dark, beautiful, and filled with surprise.
Then there is a kiss.
Most moments don't feel like this.
Then there is laughter,
Even if it happens during and not after.
A slight snort,
You know how life can be short.
But it starts with a smile.
John, Chris, and I had talked about it. We knew what we were doing. We didn't have the chance for questions. We just knew it had to be done. I saw the fear in their eyes, but I was strangely calm. Hoping the outcome to all of this would be what we want. He took a breath and held my hand. Smiled at me before saying, "I hope we dont land." I took my breath before I gave it to grace. And Chris just stood there saying his prayers. We were three people with a death sentence...and off that bridge we jumped, hooked like fishes.
Blue eyes. Oceans so deep, you could feel the waves crashing on you. And that laugh, so long and so sweet you would stop and listen. The face, so innocent so sweet, you'd be blind to miss it. That love, so pure and so deep your heart would burst of you felt it. Those lips that kissed you goodbye. Those hands that never wanted to say bye. The kindness in the soul, those arms that never wanted to let go.... undescribable.
Let’s Talk About Me
Let's talk about me and why I write.
Let's discuss if I am wrong or right.
Let's talk about fame and mortality.
Excuse the useless formalities.
Let's talk about how I'm feeling so broken.This one shread of hope of a life is my only token.
Let's talk about a life that I wish I could've give.
She would have done it better than I ever did.