the floor expanded,
immense latex plane, broad as the mall itself
"stand erect!" it challenged me
its perpetual stretches' monstrous grid's rubberized respiration
mingled my perspiration's escape's desperation vain
malignant belt's rolling manic undulation extorting adulation
swallows souls into its elastic core, its goal
i spied the exit door, this skyscraper's eleventh floor
lost balance entwined with vertigo
physics mocked my naked dance with her
she spreads herself apart like swollen super heated wax
a monster schism's evil bend
ambidextrous stretch, her prey elongates her womb
my being's atoms' mass a million tons each
immobile rendered, violated tendered
i spin awareness heightened
dante's hell enlightened
floor has me in its hold
compressed hundredfold
up is down, down not found
swim as drown with nausea's bile
elastic surreal, awareness spastic
thoughts taste like dross
reality's loss makes madness a black hole
nothing escapes its bottomless warp
whose floor opens Pandora wide