In theory, friction, gravity and movement are properties that appear to bring a semblance of orderly orbits to the entities that comprise the universe, or what we know as planets, sun, moon, and stars. The significance of this theory is that friction is not finite. Orbital paths may burn out and create collisions of planetary entities. The ensuing debris may be sucked into a black hole by solar winds, or the debris may hit the sun and cause explosions that affect the climate on planet earth. Changes may take billions of years, but change is inherent in the chemistry of geological composition. One slight shift of the earth's axis and the world as we know it will become something different, and maybe not capable of sustaining human life. That's the reality that emerges from theory.
It is not an accident that human life is relatively short and concludes with the composition of dust. We burn out from physical friction & movement even when gravity holds our feet to the ground. The same principle applies to objects in the universe. Change is inevitable, and the curiosity to speculate on change is exciting for a non-scientist like me who must now stop thinking big thoughts and string dinner together.