An Honest Love Poem
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
A silly incantation expressing his love for you,
I can do better,
Let me try,
Whilst the roses wither and the violets die,
My love for you has boundaries,
Would not persevere through tragedy,
Dames more fair still catch my eye,
I don rouge button up and lipstick tie,
My romantic gesture repertoire includes,
A peace sign through which my tongue protrudes,
You to others I would not defend,
If your weight demonstrated an upward trend,
I will not love you 'til you're old and gray,
Or cherish you 'til my dying day,
You will not mother my spawn lest it be a mistake,
My likeness will never accompany yours atop a layered cake,
You'll never hear me say I prefer your face,
When of makeup there isn't a trace,
My ears do not wish to overfill and teem,
With all of your future hopes and dreams,
I would not spare your life with mine,
Or invest in you all of my time,
Would not care for you when sick or ill,
And on a date we'd split the bill,
You cannot reroute my mind from this impasse
Besides, you seem attracted to type jack ass,
My main objective is most definitely not romance,
But if, "I love you," gets me in your pants...
Oh c'mon baby, enough with the attitude,
So quick to criticize and call me rude,
Already he has lied while I've told NOTHING but the truth,
Gullible girl, violets are not fucking blue.