I always carry a pencil and paper with me, because well, you never know. I can get inspired anywhere, in the bathroom, at school, in my room. Nowhere is safe haha.
My favorite moments of inspiration are the random ones. Those ones where I am not intentionally trying to come up with something, but it comes to me. Like one time I was in a public bathroom. I was reading all of the writing on the walls, varying from graffiti to invites to a sexual night. It was right there where I got the idea for one of my stories, based of those writings.
I prefer, however, writing at night. When the house is quiet, and I can hear myself think about what I want to write. I love those evenings, because the words just drip from my pencil. I usually stop when I am too sleepy or my hand hurts.
This doesn't mean I am always creative, haha. I wish. But, I always keep my mind open to new ideas. Nothing is bad, at least not immediately. Sometimes, when I get writer's block, I have to just stop writing and focus on another story or read, or something, and let the juices get working again.